

Hey there!

I'm Piyush Kumar, aka styles. Currently, I'm pursuing my B.Tech degree in Mechanical Engineering from NIT Durgapur.

I'm an aspiring Data Scientist and ML Engineer. My tech stack consists of python & its libraries like Pandas and NumPy, web scraping with Selenium and Beautifulsoup, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, CAD software - CatiaV5 & Autodesk Inventor, AutoCAD, and Git. I am currently studying ML and trying to get better every day. I'm not the best python developer in town, but I know how to work my way around if faced with any problem related to the python programming language. I love to work with various technologies as it always amazes me how different technologies can complement each other to solve some really challenging problems.

Visit my profile to know more about my work.

Profile: https://github.com/styles3544